Category Archives: Technology

When “Mad Men” and Mathematics Collide

Insights on the Benefit from Text Analytics Understanding humans by understanding text. Data volume on the Internet and elsewhere is growing exponentially, and most of it is human-generated text. This is why text analytics is necessary. If you want to … Continue reading

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Will The Sun Rise Tomorrow?

Is there a difference between deterministic differential equations and a probabilistic model? Reading Max Tegmark’s terrific book, “The Mathematical Universe – My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality”, inspired me to state the following fact, which I use to … Continue reading

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Rough Waters for Facebook in the Era of Mobile

Facebook’s faltering stock price since the IPO shows clearly its has not yet the right business model. The social networks staff selling their stocks this week is the next great threat to its stock price. The decline in market value … Continue reading

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Why Did Google Pay $12 B for Motorola Mobility which has Traded only at $7.7 B?

The sensational news of the day “Google buys Motorola’s mobile phone division” makes one thing clear; the power between hardware and software manufacturers in this still relatively young market has shifted dramatically. Continue reading

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The Future Of Analytics

Last Thursday I have been on a panel with Admiral Poindexter on the Future of Analytics by invitation of TiE in North Carolina. TiE is the world’s largest non-profit technology entrepreneurship association. Manny Aparicio, a good friend of mine, founder … Continue reading

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Will There Be No More CIOs?

 The Limits of Public Clouds for Business Applications An overly simplistic reliance on the utility model risks blinding us to the real opportunities and challenges of cloud computing. Abstract Descriptions of cloud computing often emphasize the silver lining more than … Continue reading

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